I understand Arken keeps a very small staff and responding to everyone maybe impossible at this time. However if you guys would put a general statement on your homepage to address the shipping issues you could satisfy 90% of us. Most of us want to support Arken and don’t mind a little wait. What we don’t like is seeing our order shipped then check the tracking to find out nothing more than a shipping label has been created. That makes us feel like our order was lost or maybe we paid our hard earned money to get cheated. We all work hard for our money and get excited to find a product of your quality at the value you offer. If you would give a disclaimer upfront on how the shipping process is going to be then we would appreciate it. We would not sent an email every week asking the same questions. I see the same concerns in the majority of complaints. Don’t ruin a good company by ignoring your customers. We want to love yall but right now we feel disrespected and unappreciated. You can fix this real quick and easy by addressing it on your homepage upfront. Show us you are listening and let us know we are not being cheated. This would keep you from having to answer hundreds of the same question.
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I work for an Arken dealer and would be interested in working for Arken directly if the the opportunity would arise.
We are making some internal changes. We have hired additional help to keep up with the high quantity of emails that we receive every day. Yes, we are still a small company, and still fairly new to the game. We are making strides to make things better overall, for all of you, our valued customers. Thank you for bearing with us during our growing pains time. Thanks!