Monday was it's original delivery date. I placed the order late Tuesday! 4 days later it's here!? It's now atop my new Rem 700 LR .300rum, cannot wait to hit the range this week! The best scope I've ever owned was a Bushy Elite 4200 Tac($900), this just feels like I walked into an entirely different world tho.
I know its cliche, but the tactile turrets on the SH4 is league's better than anything I've used. The glass looks fantastic, chinese glass has come a looooooong way! The added Precision pack is a steal for the price. The build quality of this thing is insane for the price. Imo, that's very important.
I'm still shocked it took 4 days from ordering, to my doorstep(and I'm in Ohio). The fit and finish on the rings is also top notch. I pray they hold onto the scope for a cpl boxes of .300rum b4 i get the brake put on 🤣😂
If they ever do a 5x erector, put japanese glass in these SH4 with this kick ass reticle, I'll buy 1 for sure, regardless of price.
Kudos to these guys for making a great optic at a silly low price! Arken has changed the rules 👍😎🙏

Nice! Glad to hear the support. We are pushing for improvement all the time.
Looks awesome! Mine's scheduled to arrive tomorrow - a Mil version.