Good news guys! I got an email dated April 1st that says Shipped! Woo hoo! When it gets here I'm going to put it right on my Creedmore and right away head to the range. Then the very next day I'll play with it on my Lapua. This is going to be great fun. It's happening guys they're coming! Hot dam.
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Airgun Sniper-Elite
Oct 26, 2023
bottom of page is amazing
Has anyone else‘s scope shown to have been shipped, but they didn’t get an email yet? Just wondering...
Scope looks good on your AR ,I hope it operates as well as it looks! BillK
Sweet! Give us some range pics too!!
Still waiting on the bipod and the proper stock. That's an old AR15 stock I had laying around. Good enough to give it a run. 😉 🇺🇸
Ok, this is taking forever for me to get free from work.. So I thought I would chime in with a picture. I'm trying guys...I will get there eventually
They work in the rain too!! LOL
It's a great scope as far as I can tell but I got rained out at the range and I have to get back out there to really give it a good chance to prove itself. I got put on hold for work but I really have to get back there soon.
Did you receive the scope? If so, how do you like it? Inquiring minds want to know!! 👍
Whenever you get to shoot it, post some pictures of your setup! We would all love to see the Arken stuff in action!!
Ok, I've been ready to sight this in for a week and it has been raining every single day..I may have to go to a 75' indoor range to get it close for now. Nobody likes this muzzle break in an indoor range though...or just wait till it dries up. Its a mud hole now...
Gotta find the humor!
Ok, I found some humor so I thought I would share. The battery package says "Please read WARNING on the back before use" so... Here's the back.
Yeah...can somebody read that chicken scratch to me? LOL 🙈🇺🇸
Go to page one a start reading
What day did you order it and what did you get?
This really is a lot of scope for $400 bucks. You guys are not going to be disapointed. Hang in there. I'll post a range report on Friday or Saturday. Weather permitting. A few weeks later after I have some time behind it I'll get a YouTube video put together and post the link on this thread. It's first stop will be on my Creedmore.
The scopes are really good quality! I’m waiting for my second from them.
in my opinion you’ll live it.
Here's a helpful hint. Adjust your diopter first before you put your flip up lens cap on. Once you have the cap on the rubber covers the adjustment. So you might want to wait to put the lens cover over the ocular lens until after your first day at the range. That's something you should only need to adjust once to your eye anyway so no big deal.