Step 1: Find the yellow wallet at the bottom of the website and click it to open the wallet to show your points. Slide to determine how many points you want to use.

Step 2: Click the claim now in blue to get your code for that order.

Step 3: You can copy and paste the code for the discount.

Step 4: If you want to reclaim your reward points after you are in the shopping cart and have decided to use a different code, just go back to your wallet and you can click the remove in yellow from the previous slide #3. That will get you slide #4 where you can click on the okay I agree, and your rewards points will go back in your wallet.

We offer an "Official Use Only" discount for Mil/LEO. We will need a signed document, on department letterhead, that states it's purpose is for duty, not personal use. Thanks!
Does Arken give discounts to retired military??
I am retired Army
i got the 34mm 20MOA one piece scope mount. where on the mount do i level from? behind the rings and on top of the lower ring half don't match. being a 20MOA mount. it wouldn't be correct to level the upper, then the scope. thanks for any help you can give. nice mount BTW!
Has anyone figured out how to get replacement parts?
At the beginning of this year ( I think) I had over 1300 points. I was going to order a scope for my father inlaw but was injured( broken back) and I've been away and must have missed the email that discontinued the saved points. Unfortunately I missed out on the redemption but that's ok. I am a loyal customer and will be happy with whatever discount you allow and provide. Thank you for such a great optics.
At what yards are these scopes are supposed to track ..this would be my second scope and I have yet to notice any movement of the reticle.
I just redeemed my points as I thought I was going to buy the Rigid Precision Mount, but I noticed you don't have a 0 MOA. I'd like to use it with the new EP8 (34mm tube). Do you plan to come out with a 0 MOA ?
Do jou ship to South African?
Has Arlen addressed the issue of chromatic aberration?
Are there plans to build an EPL-4 with the VPR reticle?
Fairly new to Arken but recently sold all 7 of my Leupold scopes and replaced with the Arken EP-5 5 x 25 x 56 MOA. Very satisfied with my decision and my decision to become a dealer for Arken as well. Bill Norris