So how do you use the ranging element in the EP4 ? Well, it's based on a typical size man target of 5'9" tall and 19.5" wide. You use the chevrons to layover to the top of the head or to the width of the shoulders to reach the angle dotted line. The numbers on the element are for the yardage so 3 = 300 yards, 7 = 700 yards, etc.. and count them down by 100 yards as it reaches out to 1100 yards at the bottom chevron. It is a quick referencing tool to guestimate the range to the target when in a hasty moment. In the same idea anything that might be downrange that is in real life either close to either of these heights or widths could help you get a rough idea. EXAMPLE. 2 1/2 standard bricks would be pretty close to 19.5" and if you had that in your view it could be used for reference. As they are FFP optics using the milling system can be used as well with some additional math to calculate to some reference item downrange. But the use of the Ranging Element is for a quick hasty guestimate and if your dope is handy or in your mind you can go right at it fast.

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